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tv   NBC10 News Today Weekend at 6am  NBC  January 15, 2017 6:00am-7:01am EST

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a dozen times. now the hunt is on for the gunman. a much better day ahead in terms of our weather. the light snow and rain are out of here. the sun returns. plus we're tracking a springlike warm-up for the start of the week. and the end of an era. the next few months is your last chance ever to see the ringley brothers and barnum and bailey circus. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. it's 6:00 on this sunday. some cool sunny weather on tap to end our weekend. krystal klei is tracking it all in the first alert neighborhood forecast. >> this is a good forecast especially those of you watching trying to plan out your day. if you need to get outdoors, this is a day that you can do it. unlike yesterday where we saw snow, rain apsleet, today we won't be tracking any of that.
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first up, no precipitation in in region. and then you look at satellite, you can see the clouds are thinning and move position oing. so we will see a mostly sunny day and that is across most of our region. so that will allow temperatures to boost up a bit more, as well. yesterday as expected, we tapped in the mid-30s. today we will climb to about the mid-40s in philadelphia. so right now we're sitting at 32 degrees. we are right at freezing. philadelphia, some parts of new jersey and especially as we go into the suburbs and lehigh valley, berks county area. in those zones because we saw so much moisture yesterday, you will see some patchy fog or, b, possibly slick spots along roadways. if you can wait a couple hours to get out, by around 9:00 a.m., you should be good to go. we're at 37 by 11:00 a.m. there is the sun in you icon. the winds only around 5 to 15 miles per hour. so today very calm day as you can tell, the temperatures already going to be climbing and
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getting better in the afternoon. and today we talk 40s. but the days to come, 50s and even close to 60 again. we'll break down the next workweek coming up. now to that breaking news out of west philadelphia. police are searching for a gunman who shot a cab driver 13 times. aundrea cline-thomas is live at the scene. what have you learned about the cab driver's condition? >> reporter: he's very critical. doctors are working to save his life. take a look behind me. police are holding the krin, but you see the cab is still there and running. according to philadelphia taxicab, the company the victim worked for, he was dispatched to pick up a man at 42nd and bro brooklyn but the cab driver canceled the job but didn't know why. 10 to 15 minutes later, i'm told the cab company got a call from police about the driver being shot.
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only a block from the original pickup location. and when police arrived around 2:15 this morning, they found the cab running with the door open, the 56-year-old cab driver laying on the ground. he was shot 13 times. police took him to the hospital. philadelphia taxicab says the driver had been with them for 15 years. he always works this overnight shift. police say that there are more questions than answers in this case, there are no witnesses they say, but there is one camera about a block this way on ogden street. they're hoping to take a look at that video and hopefully it gives them some clues. aundrea cline-thomas, nbc 10 news. >> this morning philadelphia police are also searching for a driver connected to a road rage shooting this west philly. you can see where a bullet pierced the door of marcel batiste's car. an aggressive driver followed him into west philly and shot at
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his car. the bullet hit batiste in the hip. right now he's in stable condition. a sense lls crime, that's how family members describe the shooting death of a father from philadelphia. he was killed just steps from his tacony home while on his way to work. it was all caught on surveillance camera. he got into his co-worker's tow truck when a gunman walked up and shot both of them. the co-worker is in critical condition. fruster tried at the hospital. >> he was always just trying to get himself together and working two jobs just so that he can do what he needed to do to take care of his sons. >> fruster leaves behind two sons ages 8 and 11. police to not have any leads on the shooter. in philadelphia, the collapse of a sidewalk is causing quite a few problems, a huge mound of dirt is the only way that one couple can get in and out of their home on terrace street. the couple says a retaining wall
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and walkway collapsed and that exposed a 20 foot drop. they still can't believe it happened. >> we were out to dinner and we -- our neighbor texted us saying are you guys home and we said no. and he said well, your sidewalk is gone. and i said how is that possible? >> it's unclear exactly when the repairs will be made. let's head now to the lehigh valley where utility crews will be back to work on sewer repairs after a water main break caused a huge sinkhole. officials say the main has been repaired, but work expected this morning to restore sewer service. now to a developing story that we're watching. next month philadelphia's tour of the ringley brothers and barnum and bailey will be its last. they will shut down in may. you're looking at last year's show here in town. the owners say one reason for closing was a drop in attendance
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following the removal of elephants from the circus last year. they say a handful of employees will work at other noncircus shows they own and they will find homes for all of their animals. the city of wilmington is facing a big bill to cover the health care cost of four firefighters hurt in a fire that killed tree other firefighters. the mayor says the city doesn't have workers compensation insurance, so it will now pay at least $9 million to cover the medical bills of the injured firefighters. one of the injured firemen spent 41 days at a burn center and still needs more surgery. today in philadelphia, mayor jim kinney will josin bob casey and others for a rally supporting the affordable care act. the leaders will discuss the cost of republicans repealing the aca and of reserving medicare and medicaid. another event backing obamacare is set for camden later this
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morning. the events are all part of a day of action organized by vermont senator bernie sanders and other democrats. coming up, we'll tell you who is now out in the lineup of performers for the inauguration of president-elect donald trump. and what is for lunch? we'll check out all the work the press kitchen is doing to whip up the inaugural meal to be severed after friday's swearing in ceremony.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we created internet that doesn't make you wait. introducing fios instant internet. it means you can download a video just like that. or upload your photos like this. or this. or that. it's the only 750 meg internet available to millions, with uploads as instant as downloads. we took internet speed and completely reinvented it, introducing fios instant internet. internet the way it should be. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine.
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the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. parts of the central u.s. are bracing for another day of icy conditions. imagine driving on that. temperatures are expected to stay near freezing which could lead to sleet and more slick roads. portions of kansas and missouri were hit with similar conditions for the past two days. not what we are dealing with here. in fact crystkrystle, we're get ready for a warm-up. >> that's right, our temperature
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will continue to climb. yesterday we didn't have huge icing concerns either. some of us did see light snow. a lot of us saw rain or just a little sleet was reported in parts of delaware. not bad at all. and in delaware today starting the warming trend off. 30 currently, but as we go through today, we will see those clear conditions, plenty of sunshine. actually a really nice and seasonal day for you. it's not going to be warm by any means. we're still in the 30s around lunchtime, at 39, but winds away 10 miles per hour and we get in to the mid-40s in afternoon. and we stay sunny, as well, as we go throughout your afternoon. that is in delaware, about the same as we go through parts of philadelphia. 32 currently. we're at 35 by 10:00 a.m. and 42 by 2:00 in the afternoon. i'm expecting that high temperature to get up to 4 # degrees by our peak in philadelphia. and roonk the jersey shore also looking nice. temperatures in to the mid-40s by later today. lingering clouds right now, but
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no rain so-to-speak of and we mostly just saw rain yesterday for the shore points. 40 at lunchtime, so already breaking in to the 40s. and there is those lower to pmis that we expect in the afternoon. next five days, lehigh valley compared to philadelphia, there is the warming trend. a little aggressive in philadelphia than in the lehigh valley, but we go mid-40s to the 50s by your tuesday. notice that is also when we start to pull in the next chances of rain tuesday through wednesday. temperatures are a little lower, so maybe a bit more slick road concerns, but overall this is a rain draft instead forecast ins one. we'll talk about it there is any snow on the ten day in just a bit. today in ardmore, you can shop and give back to a good cause. simon's fund is holding a shop and share at lilly pulitzer. 10% of all sales will go to simon's fund which provides free
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heart screenings to young children. philly home show continues today in center city. you can check out the latest in home improvement, design and technology. the home show runs through tomorrow and then it's open again next weekend, the 20th through the 22nd. 12 past 6:00 right now. put your new year's diet resolutions aside just for a moment. it's girl scout cookie time. we'll take you to where the deliveries are already coming in for the sales that start this week. we just moved into this house and didn't realize how difficult it was going to be to tie all that space together. with an open floor plan, you need to separate it with furniture. bassett had everything that we needed. fabric combinations marry the rooms together. having someone with bassett has been invaluable. we could've never dreamed up this room without bassett.
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you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? it's dry... your scalp? mine gets dry in the winter too. try head and shoulders' dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and... ...keeps you up to 100% flake free head and shoulders' dry scalp care the spare, no, i don't want to put anybody out. nonsense! we lend it to everybody. some people we hardly know.
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6:14 right the now on this sunday. here is a live look over the ben franklin parkway toward the museum of art. just about 32 degrees outside. here is the good news. we will warm up about 10 degrees or so, warmer than we were yesterday. and we will be in the 50s later
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on this week. krystal klei will have the details throughout the morning. today the search continues for the man who gunned down an orlando police officer even as that officer was laid to rest. ♪ services were held for police sergeant debra clayton, she was killed just outside of a walmart after spotting a man wanted in the murder of his pregnant ex-girlfriend. the $100,000 reward for the capture of mar keith lloyd, tol suspect. government forces are making progress against isis. they are clearing out a hot bed of fighters at mosul university. poland is welcoming its deployment of u.s. troops. it includes a brigade of more than 3,000 from colorado. the pentagon says the build up will strengthen ties with nato
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allies and send a clear message to russia. moscow appears to have gotten the message. the cekremlin called the move a threat to their security. fwloo a and we've learned jennifer holliday says she will not be on stage at thursday's free concert at the lincoln memorial. she said anger from her gay and african-american fans swayed her decision. holliday is best known for her role in broadway's dream girl. nbc 10 has you covered for the inauguration. we're sending a team to our nation's capital. live coverage begins wednesday afternoon on nbc 10 news at 4:00. and don't forget reince priebus and dianne feinstein will be talking about the trump transition with moderator chuck todd on nbc's meet the press. that comes your way this morning
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right here at 10:30. old saying goes there is no such thing as a trfree lunch, b that does not apply after inauguration. barbara harrison tells us who is catering. >> reporter: a lot of the prep work is for the inaugural lunch that will happen just after the swearing in of the 45th president of the united states. catering giant company has once again won the right to run the show. >> it's like a contest. >> it's a bidding process. we were bidding against i believe four other companies. >> reporter: and it's not just the food they have to plan. the tablecloths, plates and flowers are all part of the presentation and bid process. >> we also have to do a lot of historic work because in many instances, in many different inaugurals of which we've duone
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done seven, they have asked to stay in the lincoln era or the jeffersonian era. >> reporter: this was the 2005 second inauguration of george w. bush. jeffers jeffersonian was the theme selected months before the election actually happened. >> we bid in july. >> reporter: that is four months before they know the results of the election. that's when indicators get the theme and have to get ready to get their idea and bid to the committee. this is the chosen design for the first inauguration of president obama barack obama and it just happened to have been a lincoln theme. the plates were copy of the actual lincoln white house china. >> this time we were more sort of george washingtonesque. >> reporter: so if you're looking for a george washington look-of- >> i think you'd want to be more classic. so you can pick something like this. >> reporter: and what are they cooking up for that theme? >> there is a lot of focus on
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local and sustainable products these days. >> reporter: meanwhile they have other parties being designed here. other foods being tested and tasted. they do about 3500 events a year, each party he says is very special. but especially this one that happens only every four years. let's talk about the forecast. if you're hoping to get outside, you definitely can do it today. much better conditions than what we saw yesterday. even yesterday, it wasn't bad to get outside, but it was kind of cold. today temperatures will be above the 30s which we can't say for philly yesterday. look at the radar and satellite. tight view shows that we have clouds moving by. those clouds are thinning out. what we're left with are clear conditions as we go through today, sunny to mostly sunny. the one problem is that through your morning hours, especially right around now through 9:00
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a.m., i do expect in some spots we could see slick roadways. temperatures are still below freezing and we had the moisture overnight. so that could lead to untreated roads having icy spots. we're looking at some of the suburbs. unionville at 29. exton in the upper 20s. milford township checking in at 26. just a heads up, those temperatures that are below freezing could again see on untreated roads, these are more of the side roads we're talking about, some icy spots. looking in the philadelphia neighborhoods, temperatures already starting to rise here. so we're at 33 in society hill. torsdale 32. it's cold. you'll still want the coat especially if you get an early morning start. later today, we'll warm up to
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about 44. tomorrow starts pretty clear and if we look through the warm-up, we go mid-40s to 50 by your tuesday. tuesday though comes with the chance of rain as well. now we're looking at the suburbs, 42 to 44 and 46 by your tuesday. lehigh valley very similar. mid-40s through tuesday. so for tnot yet to 50. in new jersey, 49 tuesday. take a look at the shore, we're already at the mid-40s later today. 45 degrees and sunny. pretty nice at our shore points. up to 50 as well for tuesday. so you see a theme here. we're going from about mid-40s to 50 by your tuesday and notice each icon is showing rain because temperatures will be boosted up enough that we are talking a chance for showers. here is the hour by hour, we're starting it tuesday morning and what you see here, just a very isolated brief potential for some sleeting conditions. and then we go through just rain showers tuesday afternoon and scattered showers tip through
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6:30 in the evening. so not a washout, but some rain is it kick off your tuesday. until then, we're dry. more about that coming up. spacex celebrating a successful launch of the falcon 9 blasted off from the california coast yesterday. the rocket delivered ten commercial satellites into orbit. this by the way is the first mission for the company since one of its rock can he ets explk in september. keeping new year's resolutions just got harder thanks to the arrival of girl scout cookies. this year marks the 100th anniversary of girl scouts selling the delicious treats. >> it's a lot more than just selling the cookies. it's helping them to have the experience and reach their goals. and many of our goals have very high aggressive goals to do things like camp or take trips
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or things that help them to just be better citizens. >> cookie season runs from january 19th through march 12. a south jersey community comes together in a show of love and support for an iraq war veteran and volunteer firefighter now fighting the battle of his life.
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thrill seekers have invested something new. they tether themselves to the horse and the horse pulls them across a frozen lake. and i don't know if i'd try the horse boarding.
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this i might try. this is for thrill seekers here at home. hundreds of brave souls took a dip at the shore. the annual polar bear plunge to assume the special olympics helped in wildwood yesterday. this is a bird eye eye viview o massive crowd. a burlington county community is coming together in support of one of their over. jason is battling brain cancer. he's ap-iraq war veteran and he also served as a volunteer firefighter. his fellow firefighters hosted a parade in his honor yesterday. it was called july for jay because the 4th of july is his favorite holiday. >> the memory, everything he's done for this community, and it just goes to show how much love and support we have from all of our family and friends. >> donations will go it his medical needs.
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6:26. and we're following breaking story out of west philadelphia. that's where a cab driver was shot 13 times while he was on the job. aundrea cline-thomas is following the investigation. >> reporter: that dispatcher th wasn't picking up a customer and then minutes later he was shot. that story coming up. today we're talking warming temperatures and that continues for the next several days. we'll track that trend and take a closer look at the sunshine coming up.
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my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this.
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it's perfect. it's beautiful. there's nothing we would change about it. breaking news. the hunt is on for a gunman who fired off more than a dozen shots at a philadelphia cab driver. police say that driver is in extremely critical condition. we'll have a live report from the scene. it doesn't make sense. he had never been in trouble. >> a family speaks out after
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their loved one was wounded in a suspected road rage incident. fwloo a . and the greatest show on earth will not go on. we'll tell you where ringley brothers and barnum and bailey circus will end later this year. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. thanks for being with us. i'm rosemary connors. it's 6:30 on this sunday. let's talk about the weather. krystal klei is tracking a nice sunday for us. beautiful for january and the week ahead. >> yeah, that's right. today will be pretty seasonal and then the next few days, we'll be well above average. currently you can see all that is left is some lingering clouds that are thinning out. so by the time the sun is up, we're looking at a sunny day ahead of us. and this will be a very nice sunday compared to made we saw yesterday where it was a little dreary outside. here are the temperatures. this is the only spot that we'll have an issue with, areas below
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freezing. parts of new jersey, wilmington, northeast philly at 31 and then you see all these 20s as we go through the suburbs. these zones we are tracking right now the possibility of some slick or icy spots on roadways. because we have the lingering moisture overnight and now we have temperatures that have been remaining through the night below freezing. so just a heads up. but these numbers will start to climb and that will be less of an issue as we go into say 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. here is a look over the next several hours in philadelphia. 32 right now. we just saw that many of our locations are right around freezing. we'll be at 33 by 9:00 a.m. though and up to 37 degrees by 11:00 a.m. as for your wind speeds, they're close to 10 miles per hour, but that is it. so today winds are not an issue. sky conditions not an issue and temperatures aren't either. we'll talk more hour by hour neighborhood by neighborhood, your sunday. and we'll break down the details on the next chance for rain.
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now to that breaking news out of west philadelphia, a cab driver fighting for his life after somebody shot him 13 times. aundrea cline-thomas is live at the scene to tell us more. >> reporter: go ahead a take a look behind me. police continue to hold the scene until it can be processed. the taxicab still here in the 800 block of brooklyn street, still running. this is a residential area as you can see, but police say at 2:15 this morning, there weren't any witnesses. police found that cab running, driver's side door opened, the cab driver on the sidewalk. he was shot 13 times according to the philadelphia taxicab, the company he works for, he was dispatched to pick up a man at 42nd and brooklyn. but the cab driver later told dispatchers that he wasn't picking up the customer and to cancel the job. but the dispatcher says they didn't know why. about 10 to 15 minutes later, the cab company got a call about
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the shooting. and it happened just a block from the original pickup location. as for the cab driver, we've learned that he is 56 years old. he's been driving cabs at least for this company we're told for about 15 years. police took him to penn presbyterian hospital where he's fighting for his life. reporting live in west philadelphia, aundrea cline-thomas, nbc 10 news. this morning a family tells us they will not rest until the man who shot their son in a road rage incident is off the streets. take a look at marcel batiste's car. the shooting happened at 53rd and jefferson in west philadelphia. according to his family, they noticed a man in a black toyota cam are driving aggressively on the schuylkill expressway. he got off and the driver followed and shot his car. one bullet hit him in the hip. >> something has to be done about the gun thing because you
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can't just keep shooting people and thinking it's okay. >> the shooter drove off, the victim's family says his car may have front bumper damage. batiste is out of surgery and in stable condition. now to a developing story, it's the end of an american institution after 146 years. ringley brothers and barnum and bailey circus is calling it quits. the owner announced his decision late last night. he said one reason was a slump in attendance after the sir vus circus removed elephants from the show. the circus returns to philadelphia for one final time next month before closing for good in may. philadelphia's mayor says sit wherever you want in rittenhouse square. earlier this week the parks and recreation department put up signs in the square telling people not to sit on the walls in the park. this after neighbors complained about people smoking marijuana while sitting on those walls.
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the mayor's office says it will take up the sitting ban next week. in the meantime, the mayor tweeted about it last night saying regarding rittenhouse square, i'm frustrated, too. this government is very large and at times things just get by you. sit where you want. the inauguration of donald trump is now five days away. yesterday the president-elect called a civil rights icon all talk and no action. that comment came after georgia congressman jop lewis told chuck todd he does not see mr. trump as a legitimate president. lieus plans to skip the inauguration will that the congressman's complete interview will air on "meet the press" this morning at 10:30. hundreds of thousands of people are expected to pack the national mall for friday's inauguration. but even more could jam the space the day after. yesterday in philadelphia these women prepared signs for saturday's women's march on
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washington. dozens of women from our area will be traveling to our nation's capital for the march. organizers tell us it's their chance to send a message to the trump administration. we're sending a a team of anchors and reporters to our nation's capital. team coverage of the inauguration starts wednesday afternoon at 4:00 live from washington. coming up, remembering dwr martin luther king. several cities held marches and rallies ahead of the annual day of service to honor the civil rights icon. we'll take you there. plus showing off their talents. that's what folks did at auditions for "america's got talent." we'll show you the highlights.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we created internet that doesn't make you wait. introducing fios instant internet. it means you can download a video just like that. or upload your photos like this. or this. or that. it's the only 750 meg internet available to millions, with uploads as instant as downloads. we took internet speed and completely reinvented it, introducing fios instant internet. internet the way it should be.
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welcome back. here is a look at the temperatures. it is a cold start. a lot of us right around or a little below freeze. 32 in philadelphia and 29 in parts of the pennsylvania suburbs. also 29 in new jersey, 23 though in some spots in the lehigh valley. the 30s over portions of delaware. so all of us right now are a little below or right at freezing. the temperatures will start to climb especially because it's hard to tell right now, but it will be a sunny day which helps the temperature climbing a bit. also right now because temperatures are below freezing, there is that potential for slick spots on road ways especially through the suburbs and lehigh valley where yesterday we saw snow. this morning 33 at 7:00 a.m., bumps up to the hmid-30s by 9:0. and notice the icons nice and clear, sunny conditions through
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the suburbs. mid-30s at 11:00 a.m. still though near freezing in parts of the lehigh valley and burkes county the same. delaware, 30 degrees. 37 by 11:00 a.m. through new jersey, same day. but we get to 36 degrees. jersey shore locations, freezing currently to above it by 9:00 amg. by 11:00, 38 degree as. and that temperature continues to climb. 40s for us today. 50s for us as we go into your workweek. we'll talk more about that and chances of rain in a few minutes. new jersey's tallest lighthouse is celebrating its 160th birthday today. you can climb the absecon lighthouse for free all day. artwork inspired by the lighthouse will be on display. there will also be a birth day cake. the fun begins at 11:00. coming up, a controversial call in the flyers match-up against the bruins changes the
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momentum of the game. we'll have that plus the 6ers tried for a fourth in a row in washington. could they do it? all coming up next in your sunday morning sports.
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afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose.
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the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. 6:43 on this sunday. here is a live look over center city facing toward the delaware river. you can see a light breeze out there. freezing out there at the moment. just about 32 degrees. but krystal klei says we will warm up. the sun will help us do that. the cloud, the rain, the light snow is out 6 here. she'll have the details coming up. this weekend many are already celebrating the martin luther king jr. holiday. the observance marks the
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birthday of the civil rights leader remembered for his "i have a dream" speech. the reverend was a as satisfies natured five years later. tributes are already under way. natured five years later. tributes are already under way. yesterday hundreds marched to trump tower calling for the president-elect to pay more attention to justice for african-american. and in charlotte, the streets were packed for the annual parade. it's billed as the largest mlk event in southeastern u.s. organizers say more than 100 community groups participated in the parade. thousands of people took to the streets of washington yesterday for a march there. the reverend al sharpton and his national action network sponsored the we shall not be moved rally. participants marched from the washington monument to a park near the mlk memorial. today there will be a musical
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celebration at bryn mawr college starting at 2:45. dr. king gave the graduation address at bryn mawr college back in 1966. today he will be remembered through music and dance. congressman dwight evans will be there and aundrea cline-thomas will be the emcee. 6:45. waiting for a call back. that is the fate for hundreds of people who auditioned in philadelphia yesterday for the hit show "america's got talent." here are some of the sights and sounds from the pennsylvania convention center. ♪ >> that's my dream. >> he can cover anybody. ♪ >> i've been doing it since i
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was four. ♪ it's a lot from our indian culture. i just like being different, bring my culture into it and my brother is special needs and he likes the rhythm. >> i'm from buffalo, new york. i just love to sing. >> my name is olivia and i'll sing how far i'll go. >> i'm going to sing an original. ♪ >> talent speaks for itself. somebody can -- i'm pretty sure the judges they have seen a whole lot. at the end of the day, the talent speaks for itself. ♪ season 12 of america's got talents oig will premiere in may right here on nbc 10. let's get a check of our
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weather now with krystal klei. we're going to have a nice day to wrap up our weekend. >> yeah, this is a really nice forecast for your sunday. it's not going to be exceptionally warm yet, but it will be warmer than yesterday. season al for this time of year with us moving in to the low to mid-40s this afternoon. we're not there yet, though. this is going to be the only concern for the day. it's this morning you might notice some wet spots on roadways. as well as untreated roadways, they might be slick spots without you realizing it because temperatures are below freezing still in some of our neighborhood. so here is burkes county, fleet wood at 25, redding at 27. and most of us right now throughout the lehigh valley are in the 20s. bass at 25 and allentown currently only at 23. so this is the issue with that. yesterday we had just some light snowfall through these zones and now you might see just some icy little slick spots. that is enough though to cause
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accidents. to make sure you're driving slowly, taking your time. or if you could just wait a few hours, the temperatures will be climbing. here is a look at your new jersey neighbors. right near they're freezing. so there could be slick spots on untreated roads. voorhees at 30. bridgeton at 32. lumberton at 32 and hope well township still just at 28 degrees. so it is a cold start out there this morning. hour by hour forecast, we start wide, but no greens, pinks or whites to track. we'll see clear conditions. plenty of sun. i've already mentally prepared for what things i'll be doing outside. but again, this is not a warm day. only getting for the 40s. so you still need to layer up. there are the clouds starting to move by overnight, but they won't bring anything with them. we are still mostly clear into your monday morning and those conditions continue until your afternoon and then partly cloudy conditions will take over ahead
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of moisture that moves in for your tuesday forecast. that is when we have a chance of rain. so here are the temperatures for today. low 40s for parts of the suburbs. maybe some patchy fog in lehigh vall valley. voorhees at 44. ocean city also. and through delaware, about the same. wilmington at 45 for the forecast high. here is a look at your ten day on 10. so tracking temperatures picking up over the next couple of days. 44 today. 46 for your monday. and 50 by your tuesday. now, looking like tuesday is when we'll start to see some rain move through. not a complete washout, but showers moving by and that does continue into wednesday. but we really pick up, 59 degrees by your wednesday. as we go through the rest of your forecast, friday night there will be a chance for rain, but otherwise the 50s last right into your next weekend. good morning to you. happy sunday.
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6ers, flyers both on the road. we start on the hardwood. 6ers going for its fourth straight win but minus embiid. noel left briefly with a sprained ankle but did return. check out this move, to oubre. okafor a season high 26. this one tied at halftime and then the 6ers hit a wall, as in john wall. he hit three threes in the third. their win streak ends at three, 109-93 the final. to hockey now, flyers at bruins. flyers had just made it a one goal deficit when this happened. voracek getting called for a major boarding penalty. flyers nearly kill off the five minute power play, but bergeron off the stick of mcdonald, marchand gets the assist. flyers lose. and in philadelphia, clark sporting the sweater. dave brown known for his fighting skills, but he rams
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puck home there. showed some soft hands on that shot. game ends 3-3 and for this flyers alone playing in philadelphia, never gets old. >> guys talk about the fear to this day of coming into this building, how it's different, the emotion is different. and what else can you attribute to but the fans? and the fans have been just absolutely remarkable. you're right, i have played some great hockey. this is different. >> today's flyers game at washington has been moved to 1:00 and can be seen on nbc 10 as well as csn. that's because the chiefs/steelers game was moved to 8:20 due to potential weather issues. the nfl playoffs, falcons hosting seattle, matt ryan hits coleman wide open like a kid's mouth at the dentist. falcons win 36-20. and what does your owner do?
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turning it up with his players. 70-year-old arthur blank there. tom brady and company, a colossal favorite. dion lewis on the kickoff return, this guy has been injured most of the season, but he looked just fine here. breaks some tackles and you ain't catching him. patriots move on for the sixth street year. college hoops, villanova the number three team in the country visiting st. john's second home madison square garden. an angry jay sighting. pump him up, only up two before they started to pull away. wildcats up 10. nova wins 71-57. temple hosting tulsa, more drama
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than a broadway play. final seconds, he beats the defender and drives to make it the advantage. and last chance, comes up empty. owls lose. 70-68. and under 15 seconds left, james demery misses the game tying three. hawks 4 of 17 from behind the arc. st. joe's falls 70-66. penn hosting brown, two point game midway through the second half, but anderson's drive part of an 11-2 run. that is your look at sports. i'm rosemary connors for nbc 10 "at issue," join me later when we discuss the transition to a trump presidency. when will our area feel the impact? >> having a republican president that has an interest in urban
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areas can really help us dig ourselves out of the mess we've been in. >> donald trump obviously didn't know what he's talking about when he talks about the city of philadelphia. he should spend some time with the people here. >> that is coming up this morning at 11:30.
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everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. keep it simple. make every piece count. let other people know what you're made of. always be real. don't be fake, don't be artificial, but always be sweet. and of course, wear sunscreen. nature valley granola bars. no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. just good.
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police are excited to have 50 new members in the athletic league program. the league kicked off yesterday. kids enjoyed help with their football and soccer skills while meeting and building bonds with the officers who serve their community. the wood services organization held its annual gala fundraiser this weekend. the nonprofit provides services for people with special needs. the movie avatar was the theme for the event. jim rosenfield was master of stair mon ceremonies. we continue to follow breaking news out of west philadelphia. a cabbie is fighting for his life after he was shot 13 times. andrundrea cline-thomas is live the scene. >> reporter: residents are beginning to wake up to a crime scene. we'll tell you how it unfolded. fwl
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and it's a cold start out there. 20 in allentown and below freezing through parts of new jersey. but as the sun is coming up, we'll see a big warm up in over the next few days.
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breaking news on "nbc 10 news today," philadelphia police are on the hunt for the gunman
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who shot the a cab driver more than a dozen times. we're live on the scene as investigators look for clues. a final farewell. president obama delivers his last weekly address to the nation. this as he reflects on eight years in the oval office. sunny skies for our sunday, but watch for some slick spots this morning before the temperatures rise later on today. good morning. welcome back to "nbc 10 news today." i'm rosemary connors. thanks for being with us. not a bad way to wrap up our weekend with the sun making a return. krystal klei is tracking it all for us in the first alert neighborhood forecast. >> yeah, we actually have some nice live cameras to take a look at. philadelphia, we're at 31. you can see the sun is up. and check oupt tt the lehigh va cam. beautiful sun rides there. we're quited


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